In order to increase your blog traffic, there are many things that you are required to do to make it easier for you. I have in this article five useful tips to help you increase traffic to your blog even while you are sleeping. These tips are useful at every time even when you don’t fee to do anything because it is do and forget technique that will keep on working for you for a very long time.
The tips are stated below:
Write Guest Posts
What is the essence if a website without a good and insightful article posted on it? I think there is nothing to show for such a website. I have been blogging for some years now and I can say I know what it takes to be able to get people coming back to a blog, that thing is the content on that website. A website without any content equals to nothing if it is well measured.
Write as much as possible and make sure that your blog does not go dry of regular contents so that you can get page rank and better authority on Google.
Comments on Other Blogs
Another thing you should do that can guarantee you of getting good traffic to your website after all the efforts you have been making is to share your views on other blogs in your niche. Go over to other blogs in your niche and submit your comments as fast as possible so that you can get more traffic from such blog. You can comment on any form of blog, though, commenting on top blogs can help you get much traffic than low rank blogs. But, make sure that you speak something that can make people think you’ve got the stuffs they are looking for. Provide your comment in a nice manner and do not look like someone who’s looking for backlinks at all costs, so, spamming will not help.
Be Friendly with Others
Don’t try to be yourself at all times. But, share contents and ideas with others so that you can build a relationship with your readers and followers. When you share your contents, share it in a manner which will make others happy about you.
Don’t be Greedy
Greediness will not take you anywhere! So, make sure that you are doing all your best to share all what you know about your chosen niche. Don’t hold things back from your readers and followers.
Always Be Clean
Content farms and some others like that can turn your blog into something else, so, avoid it and move on. Write quality article at all the time and don’t try to share plagiarised contents on your website.
You can also use other methods to increase traffic...
1)Submitting Forums.
2Submitting Blogs.
3)Submitting Directories.
5)Submitting in Facebook,Twitter,orkut etc.these are social networking promotion helps to drive free traffic.
5)Submitting answers to open Question and Answers
these are all free SEO methods for promoting the website to get website traffic and increase page rank.
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