Saturday, 3 March 2012

3 Ways to Boost Your Site’s Page Rank on Google


Raising your site’s page rank is one way to get a better rank by the search engines. This shows Google and the rest of the world that your site has real value. As your page rank increases, you’ll find that you get more search engine traffic and therefore more customers. By using the strategies we’ll be outlining below, you’ll be able to boost your site’s page rank and get more traffic. You will find new products being launched all the time such as Rapid Free Traffic Review which will take advantage of Web design.

1. Do you ever notice that another site ranks better than you in Google for your main keyword, and you can’t figure out why? What the search engines value most of all when it comes to ranking your site is valuable, original content. In order to promote your site and improve your page rank, you have to give the search engines the kind of content they like. If you want Google to value your site and give it high preference, then start focusing on the quality of your content. Publishing good content will also cause other blogs and sites on topics similar to yours to link back to your site. This will give you relevant backlinks that will also help you to get a higher page rank. It’s not that hard to increase your page rank when you remember the importance of creating quality content.

2. You can submit your blog to special directories because they are search engine friendly and have a high page rank due to the fact that they have lots of incoming links. Try to find directories that are “do follow” so that you can submit your link and increase your page rank with their help. Even though you won’t have to pay anything with most of these directories, sometimes there is a small fee which is worth the money. You can easily find these blog directories by searching on Google. If you like Web design it’s easy to realize that many new launches such as Rapid Free Traffic Review benfit greatly from this style of marketing.

3. Aside from getting as many backlinks as you can, you also have to focus on internal links to raise your page rank. Search engines like to see internal linking, where you have one article on your site linking to another, and this helps your page rank. The more internal links you have on your site, the easier it is for visitors to navigate around it.

Through this article we can determine that increasing page rank is easy and only requires consistent work. As time progresses, you will keep finding ways to get high quality incoming links that will increase page rank and offer you the push you need. If you don’t see results immediately, you shouldn’t be tempted to quite because it usually takes some time before you see your PR go up, however, you will eventually see some progress.


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