Google is currently experimenting with Adwords and has gone beyond the regular text ads we are all used to seeing and added Google Email Subscription Ads.
The new ad format allows companies to buy ads which will automatically fill in the “Subscribe to newsletter” slot with the persons email address (if logged in). If the person chooses to subscribe the email address is sent to the advertiser directly, however this is only made clear to the user if they click on the privacy button which details this.
Currently I have only seen examples of this from Honda, AWeber and Constant Contact on Tech Crunch. It has not been made clear from Google if this will become a permanent extra feature but if it does this could be interesting for the future of email marketing.
“Source: Tech crunch”
This will allow companies to capture email addresses without people even visiting their websites and will allow users to sign up for email subscriptions more easily. This is good for people that have already visited your site and therefore know what they are signing up for, but how many email subscriptions will you get from those that have never visited your site? Whilst the initial purpose will be to get email subscriptions, it could bring more focus to the advert which in turn will hopefully increase the CTR to the site.
This new feature will interest a lot of email marketing companies and is something a lot will want to try out if it’s made a permanent Adwords feature.
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